Cause And Effect Of Gambling Essay Articles
The reason the gambler turns to these things is to ease their mind and hide their feelings. This way of coping with losing could ultimately result into hurting financially, as well as emotionally, and even physically. The first problem the gambler will face will be financial loss. The first thing to go in gambling is your wallet, and unfortunately one of the most commonly related problems to depression is debt. Losing money will affect the mindset of the gambler causing possible depression. This is when the problem reaches the emotional aspect it may take. The chain of events continues from depression on ward to abuse among substances, most commonly drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol are substances made to relax the mind and take them away from the reality of things. The reality of the situation is that all drugs and alcohol will do is further affect the gambler financially as well as emotionally, and physically. When abuse of alcohol and drugs is brought to the home life of someone all it brings is deceit and ultimately pain. If the gambler has a family life the habits of drugs and alcohol will be tried to be concealed by the user to not hurt anyone else, and ultimately the truth surfaces taking an even bigger toll on the gambler. The abuse of alcohol and drugs is also closely related to physical abuse. Being intoxicated on drugs and alcohol can in fact lead to abusing close friends or family. It is most likely never said, but gambling can lead a
Cause And Effect Of Gambling Essay Articles
The reason the gambler turns to these things is to ease their mind and hide their feelings. This way of coping with losing could ultimately result into hurting financially, as well as emotionally, and even physically. The first problem the gambler will face will be financial loss. The first thing to go in gambling is your wallet, and unfortunately one of the most commonly related problems to depression is debt. Losing money will affect the mindset of the gambler causing possible depression. This is when the problem reaches the emotional aspect it may take. The chain of events continues from depression on ward to abuse among substances, most commonly drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol are substances made to relax the mind and take them away from the reality of things. The reality of the situation is that all drugs and alcohol will do is further affect the gambler financially as well as emotionally, and physically. When abuse of alcohol and drugs is brought to the home life of someone all it brings is deceit and ultimately pain. If the gambler has a family life the habits of drugs and alcohol will be tried to be concealed by the user to not hurt anyone else, and ultimately the truth surfaces taking an even bigger toll on the gambler. The abuse of alcohol and drugs is also closely related to physical abuse. Being intoxicated on drugs and alcohol can in fact lead to abusing close friends or family. It is most likely never said, but gambling can lead a
Cause And Effect Of Gambling Essay Example
Writing an effective cause and effect essay isn't that different from the facts of this scenario. You'll outline the causes, the effects, or both the causes and effects of a specific problem or issue. Jena choctaw pines casino orlando fl. To better illustrate this, let's take a look at the basics of this essay type before we dive into two cause and effect essay examples. When you are gambling to make money instead of entertainment that is what definitely starts to cause some problems. People are crazy about gambling 80 percent of Adults have gambled and approximately 1 percent of them meet the profile of a compulsive gambler and 3 percent have less significant but serious gambling problems. Foxwoods casino connecticut events. The purpose of the cause-and-effect essay is to determine how various phenomena are related. The thesis states what the writer sees as the main cause, main effect, or various causes and effects of a condition or event. The cause-and-effect essay can be organized in one of these two primary ways: Start with the cause and then talk about the effect.